Tag Archives: book reviews

Edge of Eternity~ Novella by Shiree Walker ( Review)


Edge of EternityEdge of Eternity~ Novella by Shiree Walker

      I don’t normally review books but this was one that I had read recently and thought that I would share. This novella only cost$0.99 and was well worth the read! Shiree Walker is a good writer and kept me completely captivated! The story was written in present tense, so you feel like you are Emily going on the journey to find salvation. I couldn’t stop thinking about this book days after I read it! If you’re a fan of Pilgrim’s Progress like me,  you’ll want to read, Edge of Eternity. This book can be found on Amazon.com.                                   

Book Synopsis:

         Inspired by The Pilgrim’s Progress, this modern take features a young woman, Emily Watson, who only expected to enjoy another carefree summer day before college. She had no idea it would be the last day of her life… A freak accident leaves her trapped in a dream world where she encounters her guardian angel. He sends her on a quest to find the answers she needs to save her soul from eternal punishment at the hands of Justice, the dark creature that pursues her. Her quest takes her through wolf infested woods, over an active volcano, and forces her to relive the sins of her past. Can she find the answers she needs, or is it already too late?