Tag Archives: book

What Have I been Up to?



Hey all! I hope this winter finds everybody warm and cozy! I just thought that I aught to touch bases and tell everybody what I’ve been up to lately. 😉

Heathers Studio

I’ve been doing a lot of illustration art and posting it on my other blog at: heatherstinnett.wordpress.com. Please follow my other blog and see what else I’m up to!


On my other blog, I’ve been doing illustrations for a children’s book my sister and I wrote called, The Monster. It’s been a fun project, and I’m excited to be finding my style as a children’s book illustrator. I can’t wait to get it finished and show it to the world! Check out my other illustrations here:https://heatherstinnett.wordpress.com/


Just recently, I started getting into hand drawn animation. This is a gif I created using Clip Studio Paint. It’s  a great program! See my blog post about it here:https://heatherstinnett.wordpress.com/2016/12/11/my-first-animated-gif/

Thanks for keeping up with my projects! I hope to see you on both of my blogs. I just wanted to let y’all know that I’m still keeping busy, it’s just been on another blog. 😉


Illustrating My First Book “Secret Under the Apple Tree” by Heather Stinnett


This is my next adventure! I’m illustrating my story, Secret Under the Apple Tree. I’ve mentioned this on my about page, and now  I’ve started the expedition!  I’m very excited to be sharing this project with you!  I’m planning on self publishing it. I’ll let you know what company I use. This first illustration here will be my front cover. Any tips on illustrating or publishing would be very appreciated!

#1 Pencil Sketch

#1 Pencil Sketch

# 2 Tracing Sketch

# 2 Tracing Sketch and Transferring onto Watercolor Paper

Outlined with Pen

#3 Outlined with Pen on Watercolor Paper

secret under the apple tree blog sketch 3secret under the apple tree blog sketch 4I’m using my Micron pens, sizes .005 and .02 on Strathmore Alexis Watercolor Paper. The pen is showing up very rich and dark.