Tag Archives: staff

Hand Painted Walking Stick~ Flower Garden #1


So it was my turn to make a walking stick. 🙂 I was too chicken to do a carving like my folks had, but painting was more up my alley so I made this Garden Nature Stick. It was a lot of fun and I would love to make more! Each bug and flower has their names written beside them. I signed and numbered this stick as #1! I’m very excited and hope that it will find its way into someone’s heart and home! Its available in my Dad’s Etsy shop at:stinnettstudio.etsy.com .

The stick includes Hand Painted: Black Eyed Susan, Ivy Vine, Bumble Bee, Honey Bee, Glass Wing Butterfly, Morning Glory, Blue Butterfly, Ivy Vine, Leopard Frog, Snail and Meadow Mushroom, and Lotus.