Tag Archives: painting

Hand Painted Walking Stick~ Flower Garden #1


So it was my turn to make a walking stick. 🙂 I was too chicken to do a carving like my folks had, but painting was more up my alley so I made this Garden Nature Stick. It was a lot of fun and I would love to make more! Each bug and flower has their names written beside them. I signed and numbered this stick as #1! I’m very excited and hope that it will find its way into someone’s heart and home! Its available in my Dad’s Etsy shop at:stinnettstudio.etsy.com .

The stick includes Hand Painted: Black Eyed Susan, Ivy Vine, Bumble Bee, Honey Bee, Glass Wing Butterfly, Morning Glory, Blue Butterfly, Ivy Vine, Leopard Frog, Snail and Meadow Mushroom, and Lotus.


A Woman that Feares the Lord


a woman that fears the Lord 3 blog copy

Pro 31:30  Favour is deceitful, and beauty is vain: but a woman that feareth the LORD, she shall be praised.

This is a card I made for one of my friend’s birthday. I hope she’ll like it and that it looks enough like her; I’m having to go by memory. 🙂



Blue Hummingbird~ Watercolor and Pastel


Blue Hummingbird 2015 web

Hello everyone! This is my latest painting that I made as a birthday card. The medias are watercolor and pastel.

Lately I’ve been working on illustrations and putting them on my other blog, heatherstinnett.wordpress.com.  Please take a look and follow!

Hope you all have a blessed Thanksgiving!

Gentle ~ Watercolor Painting


Horse painting Here is one of my latest paintings that I created using watercolor. I really like horses I think they’re beautiful! But they’re one of the hardest things to draw! Even though I like horses, I wasn’t really into them; I liked pigs, miniature ponies, and dinosaurs! Hehe! What does that say about me? Oh well… I guess I’m weird.

A Woman Who Serves the Lord…~Watercolor Painting


A woman who fears the Lord

I made this card for my little sis’s birthday. It was inspired by the verse, Favour is deceitful, and beauty is vain: but a woman that feareth the LORD, she shall be praised. Pro 31:30. 

I enjoyed making this card for her. I would like to do a larger version that is more detailed sometime. 🙂

Chipmunk in Blackberry Bush~ Watercolor Painting


chipmunk in Blackberry Bush blog

Available as a Fine Art Print

I’m now finished with my painting! Soon I’ll need to frame it and get it ready for the Art Show next month. Hopefully I can get my deer painting finished in time as well. My new Sable brush, that I mentioned earlier, did a good job, although…it wasn’t the same size that I had before. I think perhaps I’ll order another in a smaller size some time. But other than that, it’s what finished my painting and I think it turned out well. 🙂

Finally Recieved My Sable Brush!


Waited almost a month for my Kolinsky Sable Brush to arrive. I just got it yesterday. I love these watercolor brushes! Now I can finish my Chipmunk painting! 😀

I haven’t used it yet but it should be a good one! I’ll let you all know how well it works later. 😉

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Fawn~ Watercolor Painting in Progress


Watercolor Fawn 001 copyHere is my latest painting in progress.

I’m not quite finished with his fur yet. I’m hoping to put some foliage around him.

I’m still waiting for my special Sable Brush that I ordered last month, but now it says that it may not arrive until next month. Bummer! So my chipmunk painting that I had been working on, may be stalled for a while longer. 😦

Chipmunk in Blackberry Bush~ Watercolor Painting in Progress #2


chipmunk in progression 001 blog chipmunk in progression 002 blogHere is an update on my latest painting. I got the berries mostly done, they may need a touch up here and there, and I started working on the chipmunk. I’ll need to work on the leaves, and satisfy myself on the final details and then it will all be done! 🙂 Unless I can make due with the brushes I already have, finishing it may be slow. My favorite sable brush through the years has been loved too hard, and is now out of shape, and the poor thing isn’t working right for me anymore. So last month I ordered a new one off of amazon.com. The bad thing is that it’s being shipped from Europe, so it’s not expected to get here until the 20th. 😦 Mean while, I’ll see what I can do with what I’ve got or work on another project while I’m waiting. 🙂

Fun at the Christmas Bazaar 2014


Hello everyone! I just thought that before the year was over that I would mention my time at the Christmas Bazaar. This was my first time ever selling at the Bazaar, so I was pretty excited! Down below are pictures of my inventory.

I had a portfolio filled with art for sale and a few prints and postcards out on display.  I was sharing the table with my friends, who was selling handmade soap and candy, so our table space was tight.

Sorry about the white streaks, there was sunshine pouring in my window.  My pictures also aren’t very good. 😀

I’m happy to report that I sold a print while I was there, and some postcards!  🙂

BazaarBazaar2People showed interest in my other things too, but the folks around there aren’t big spenders. I didn’t sell alot, but I had fun talking with the town’s people. I also enjoyed hanging out with my friends.

I would love to have a table at the Bazaar again!